Al Jolson Home Page|The Man|Jolson's Legacy|Tribute Programs|A Legend Named Jolson

Shortly after Al Jolson had passed away, Frank Bresee, a radio personality with roots back to the golden age of radio, assembled material in tribute to the fallen superstar. He discussed this over the years, to give an appreciation for how the work came to be. Here is an interview with Chris Lembesis, from December 11, 1970, with some background.
But if that's not enough background, at the 1986 Jolson Centennial, Bruce Wexler had the honor of introducing Mr. Bresee, who told the group a bit more of the story.

And all this leads up, of course, to the wonderful LP writen and narrated by Frank Bresee. This material was recorded on a limited edition album in May, 1956, and is a treasure to be enjoyed.

Click below to hear Frank Bresee's
"A Legend Named Jolson."

Some 15 years later, Walter Winchell, the famed broadcaster and sometimes cohort of Al Jolson, remade the Bresee tribute, keeping most of the original material, but doing the narration himelf. Also released in a limited edition album, with the same title, many may not have heard this affectionate tribute to the World's Greatest Entertainer, either; done by a man who was originally a singer, and who started out onstage with Eddie Cantor and George Jessel, then turned newsman, columnist, and broadcaster. Click below to hear Winchell's "A Legend Named Jolson."

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This listing and material Copyright © 1995-2020 Marc I. Leavey, M.D. Baltimore, Maryland
Updated 03 Jun 12
Updated 08 Jul 18
Updated 17 Jul 20